Tuesday, March 31, 2020

MSDS Chemistry

MSDS ChemistryMSDS Chemistry is an internationally recognized way of disclosing the safety information for chemicals used in the manufacturing of goods. It is also commonly referred to as Information Systems Codes (ISCs) and contains important information about the properties and hazards of chemicals. MSDSs can be provided by the manufacturer, under contract with a government agency, or by a third party which gathers the information, tests it and compiles it into a MSDS.The US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has been preparing standards for different types of biological safety cabinets. The most commonly used MSDS Chemistry is the Best Protective Equipment List (BPEL).Biosecurity is the precautionary principle adopted to prevent the transmission of disease and its potentially hazardous effects on humans and other species. It is the practice of protecting a certain area, whether terrestrial or aquatic, from contamination by pathogenic organisms. It is nor mally a broad category encompassing three areas, namely bioterrorism, bioremediation and emergency preparedness. These all relate to the prevention of transmission of biological agents between biological persons.Some examples of the biological agents that may be transmitted between biological persons are bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, and parasites. All these biological agents have an ability to produce and/or transmit disease by producing aerosols or spray droplets which can contaminate ground water, soil, air, food, and water supplies.Most manufacturers will also provide a set of materials safety data sheets (MSDS) for each product they manufacture. This set of documents, which are commonly referred to as 'Materials Operating Manuals 'Operating Instructions', contain important information about the handling, storage, use, disposal, and disposal of the chemicals used in the manufacture of the product.When a product is defective or dangerous it can pose a danger to the people who work with it, or to the community around it, so companies create MSDSs which describe the product. The documents will provide a general idea of the product as well as any restrictions which apply to the working environment and general health and safety procedures. However, it is advisable to keep a note of the important points, as they are meant to be used as a guide only, and never substitute for personal safety.It is important that a person using a hazardous chemical to be aware of the nature of the substance. The document should include the name and logo of the company making the chemical and a list of products they make and sell and a brief description of how the chemical should be handled.Finally, the document should contain all the health hazard information and precautions regarding health risks and emergency steps to take if the person in the workplace becomes ill. They should be able to get medical attention and to work until help arrives. Since chemicals are known to ca use serious health problems when improperly handled, they are stored safely and properly with adequate protection.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Find the Answer to Math Algebra Questions

How to Find the Answer to Math Algebra QuestionsTo find the answer to a question you have to find the factorization of your math problem. It is essential to know the process of algebra so that you can understand and solve the questions. At some point in your life, you might find yourself in a situation where you need to do an algebra task. Here are three ways to find the answer to the problem.Try not to spend too much time trying to figure out the different formulas and types of equations. You are bound to find many answers if you don't do too much thinking.If you find yourself with lots of homework algebra tasks and little time, the best thing you can do is to make use of a computer that does the calculations for you. A good deal of the time you spend will be spent on figuring out the answers.You can find a program that is designed to help you with the algebra problems you encounter with math equations. There are two types of programs: one that just does the algebra questions and on e that helps you with the final solution.For the latter, it is best to learn how to do your final product. This is the step where you get the answers to all your questions. Many times, it is in the middle of your algebra process that you will be faced with this final problem.If you are struggling with math problems, you might consider taking up a class in math and algebra. Not only will it help you with the math part of the problems, but you can also use the course to prepare for the real world.One of the things that you need to remember when you need help with your math problems is that you do not have to master everything at once. Take a class in algebra and then move on to other problems as you need to. This will keep you from getting overwhelmed.

Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry 3rd Edition Solutions - Review

Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry 3rd Edition Solutions - ReviewThe third edition of this popular book has a lot to offer the organic chemistry student. It is essential for students who have not tried it and those who have been through the first two editions, but are now considering it again. The third edition offers a lot of new things to learn and brings out the best of the material from the previous editions.This is the third edition and it continues the original theme of keeping the title simple. All of the chapters in the book are numbered by name and are referred to as 'short titles'. A short title is basically a one-line description that will appear at the front of the book. It gives the reader a taste of what to expect and helps them get through the book quickly.The titles in the third edition are also updated in order to keep up with the changes in the field. For example, Oxygen 'Oxy' was changed to 'Oxygen' in the first edition, but this is still in the book as 'Oxygen molecu les'. The main story, with all the chapters, is generally referred to as the 'Main Story', while other topics are listed as 'Supplementary Stories'. Other than this, there are usually notes at the back of the book about the things discussed in the chapter, along with an index.Since the text is basically written in a straightforward manner, there is no place for pedantry. Just the facts are enough. The descriptive text in this edition includes chapters on acids, bases, alkylating and reducing reactions, catalysis, oxidation and reduction reactions, oxidation products, reductive substitution reactions, elimination reactions, reduction reactions, solubility, and solubility coefficients. There are also some sections about atomic models and theories, and there are also sections on solubility in water, solubility in acids, solubility in bases, solubility in alkalis, solubility inalcohols, and solubility in many other materials. The other chapters cover a few important topics such as the c atalytic mechanism of an oxidizing agent, the method of making the catalyst, the separation and purification of products, and also the treatment of sulfates, iodides, and nitrates.One of the most interesting parts of the book, aside from all the equations of properties, is the description of many problems in organic chemistry problems. This is where the fun comes in. From problems about the acid lye and its reactions to the endothermic reaction between sulfuric acid and boron compounds, the problems in the book are written in an easy to read manner. For many, especially those who have not had much experience with the field, it will be a good way to practice their skills and gain more knowledge about organic chemistry.The descriptions of the problems are usually a good introduction to the ideas. The solution steps for each problem, and the corresponding answers are usually included with the description. Another bonus of these problems is that they are usually useful, and the answers can be useful too, especially when used in combination with the equations in the book.If you are a first time student of organic chemistry and have tried the first two editions of the book, this book should definitely be one of your references. It continues the tradition of keeping the title simple and presenting the material in a clear manner. Not only that, the information is presented clearly and concisely, and the problems give both the reader and the student a chance to understand how the system works.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Heres What an Introvert Can Teach You about Success - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Here’s What an Introvert Can Teach You about Success - Introvert Whisperer Here’s What an Introvert Can Teach You about Success By definition, an introvert is someone who gains energy by spending time alone and loses energy in an overly social, stimulating environment. Introverts promote qualities of introspection, a love of solitude, a more sensitive or empathetic approach, and a focused communication style heavy on listening rather than talking. Some may think that these qualities do not fit a leadership or successful professional role. However, an introvert possesses a number of positive traits that aid in pursuing a successful and fulfilling lifestyle.   Stay Focused  An introvert has a tendency to stay with a goal until completion. They can begin with an idea, flesh it out, and follow it to completion with no problem. They ensure that single goal is done satisfactorily and to the best of their ability. Instead of working on several projects at once with shared effort and mediocrity, this trait allows them to do one thing really well, turning out a high-quality end result.   There’s No “I” in Team    In a group setting, an introvert appreciates the value each member brings to the team. They do not seek credit or glory for accomplishing their part of the task but find reward in sharing in a team success. They are able to identify their strengths and weaknesses with their highly intuitive self-awareness. This leads to better division of tasks and a more streamlined process in successfully completing group assignments, with the recognition of each members contribution equally acknowledged. Let Creativity Shine    Introverts make up a large portion of the group known as “The Creatives.” They are the musicians, artists, authors, and inventors. They’re the thinkers who communicate through artistic and thought-provoking means rather than relying on personality and general communication. They achieve success by their ability to tune into their deep introspection and thought processes, freeing their creativity to be shown in beautifully unique ways. By embracing their natural gifts, they are able to follow a sometimes “out-of-the-box” path to success. Listen and Learn    Introverts tend to take a backseat in conversations, especially in overly social situations. They listen more than they speak, allowing them to absorb more information and thoughtfully consider it. They tend to choose their words carefully so what they say has meaning and importance to the conversation. This leads to deeper relationships with those around them as they are able to form personal connections from the information they learn. And deep, personal connections can lead to success in networking and new opportunities. Be Independent    Although introverts work well within a group, their skillset can really shine when working independently. By working in solitude, an introvert can spend less energy on draining social situations and more on the project at hand. With no need for supervision or outside encouragement, an introvert can focus on the task at hand and achieve quality results in less time.  Find a private English tutor, a young entrepreneur, or a museum curator. They are all remarkably self-reliant and their ability to focus leads to improved results in a timely manner.   It’s All About the Work    It’s difficult to be successful if you allow yourself to get in the way of your work. Problems can arise when the attention is more focused on the producer than the product. A handful of famous CEOs and company owners live in the spotlight, making their product or service a sideshow attraction. And this can work, unless they disrupt the narrative of their brand or company. Many more CEOs and owners take a backseat, pushing their product or service to the forefront and allowing it to shine on its own. An introvert lets the work speak for itself while maintaining a productive and fulfilling spot behind the scenes.   Sensitivity is a Plus    In today’s busy and fast-paced world, generic, blunt, and impersonal statements and attitudes are becoming the norm, both online and in real life. However, humans crave personal connections, and no one may be better suited to provide that than an introvert. Many introverts are in tune with their sensitivity, allowing them to show compassion and empathy to those around them. Successful people care about those they work with and they value the relationships they have with those who support and help them. Being sensitive and in tune with others’ emotions and feelings helps to create loyalty and a great work ethic, resulting in more effective production and success. Final Words    Success has a different definition for everyone. For one person, success can mean running a profitable Fortune 500 company. For another, success can mean getting published by a well-known magazine or newspaper. The steps you take toward your definition of success are defined largely by the above-mentioned traits and qualities. Adopting the mindset of an introvert, even just for a short time, can be highly beneficial in aiding you in your accomplishments. Author Bio: Rait is a full time online marketer, freelancer and tech lover from a tiny country called Estonia. As an introvert, he strives to speak less and do more. Go to top Do you know what your next career step is?  Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable. Get your copy now and start your action plan today! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

Education By Numbers

Education By Numbers For some teachers its becoming what can I do to make my numbers better. Those numbers are of course their students. Numbers and students are not synonymous, but the new federal-funding, education allocation is placing them in the same sentence. An increasing amount of schools are implementing a value-added program to systematically determine how effective their teachers are, according to an article in The New York Times. Schools are receiving mixed reviews on this program. Some believe its an accurate way to measure a teachers ability. Critics, however, contend that its not accurate and shifts a teachers focus from what is best for the students to what is best for them. This system calculates a teachers value by comparing his/her students current test scores to previous years and other students in the same grade. Data analysts can then rank teachers based on this formula. For example if a third grader scored higher than 60% of his/her peers on a state-administered test, then he/she is predicted to have that same score during the fourth grade. If that student scores higher than 70%, the increase in achievement is attributed to his/her fourth grade teacher. The Obama administration has encouraged states to implement more precise methods for evaluating teachers. Many schools have already joined this value-added system bandwagon and even more expected to join soon. Traditionally, teachers have used similar programs to improve classrooms. However, the stakes are much higher now. Administrators are using this program to decide which teachers receive raises and which ones are fired. Michelle A. Rhee, the schools chancellor in Washington, recently fired about 25 teachers for poor evaluations. The Los Angeles Times published an online database that ranked area teachers from the most effective to the least effective. This piece resulted in the further evaluation of 6,000 teachers jobs. Education Secretary Arne Duncan said that The Los Angeles Times work was an exercise in healthy transparency during a recent speech. There are real issues and competing priorities and values that we must work through together balancing transparency, privacy, fairness and respect for teachers, Duncan said. I dont advocate that approach (The Los Angeles Times) for other districts. Some experts claim that this program is unreliable and inconsistent. They state that a teachers effectiveness will be all over this chart because of outside influences. They believe that this program should not be considered the ultimate form of evaluation. It does not account for tutors, transfers, changes in state tests or students motivations or abilities. The program does not reward teachers for maintaining higher-achieving students academic success. It only rewards for growth. Other experts, however, disagreed and claim that the outside influences can be controlled and accounted for. They believe that this system separates the effective teachers from the average and ineffective ones. Some believe that schools will attempt to adjust their teachers value levels to attain more federal funding. They believe that this could corrupt the value-added program.

Ask a Law School Admissions Expert Jens K.

Ask a Law School Admissions Expert Jens K. Varsity Tutors brings you insider tips and advice straight from nationally recognized admissions experts. Jens K. holds a graduate degree from the London School of Economics and a J.D. from NYU Law. Since then, he has worked for international law firms in both New York and China and has taught law as an adjunct professor as well. He is the co-founder of Advantas Group, an international team of admissions experts who help students worldwide get into the graduate programs of their choice. VT: How much time should be set aside to adequately prepare for and complete a Law School application? Jens: It depends. An applicant with high grades, a strong LSAT score, and good writing skills might be able to prepare an application in one to two months. Others will want to spend more time fine-tuning their personal statements and customizing them for specific schools. Applicants with demanding full-time jobs should make sure to set realistic expectations in terms of how much time they can devote to their applications. There is, however, one general piece of advice that applies equally to all applicants: start early. Take the LSAT as early as possible and allow for sufficient time to track down academic transcripts and letters of recommendation. VT: What is the single most important thing applicants should focus on with this application? Jens: Be yourself. Let your application reflect who you are. A personal statement that doesnt match a letter of recommendation or the writing style of the LSAT writing sample is a sure way to guarantee a rejection letter. VT: What are the biggest mistakes one can make on a Law School application? Jens: Dishonesty and sloppy mistakes. Always, always be truthful in all your application material. For example, a poor grade or a criminal record can almost always be addressed adequately in a personal statement and in many cases create the basis for a lesson learned or personal transformation theme. Less serious but just as damaging are typos and other careless mistakes. At a minimum, you should have a friend look through any written material you submit. Otherwise, consider using a professional service to review and polish your application materials. The money you spend on application services will be a fraction of your overall law school budget and can pay for itself with even a small scholarship or an increase in the ranking of the schools you are admitted to. VT: What do Law School admissions officers look for most in an applicants essays/personal statements? Jens: Admissions officers want to be certain that the applicant is making the right choice by choosing to become a lawyer, and also that the applicant will be a good fit for a particular law school and student body. For example, regional law schools will often look for a commitment to the local community in addition to the applicants academic interests. In addition, admissions committees are always interested in learning about how an applicant has dealt with past challenges and obstacles. VT: Is there anything on a students application that would automatically disqualify them from being considered for the program? Jens: Lying, dishonesty, and concealing information the applicant is required to disclose. Even if an admissions committee doesnt uncover any comprising inconsistencies or information in an application, this could come back to haunt the applicant during the state bar admission process and even result in the withdrawal of the graduate's law school diploma. VT: What about the Law School admissions process differs the most from undergraduate admissions? Jens: The emphasis on how well the applicant does on a standardized test. Compared to undergraduate admissions and even most other graduate and professional programs, the LSAT score can truly make or break an application. VT: What kinds of things (experience, grades, etc.) might a student lack that would lead you to advise them not to apply? Jens: A spotty academic record or a very poor LSAT score would make admission to most law schools an uphill battle. In particular, an applicant with a very low LSAT score should seriously consider whether law school is the right choice. Ethical transgressions such as a history of academic dishonesty will also create challenges for an applicant and would have to be addressed directly in the application. VT: Is there anything you might see on a students application that would quickly put them ahead in the running? Jens: LSAT scores in the top one percentile. Things get less competitive at schools outside the top ten, but even then an applicants LSAT score remains the single best predictor of how successful a law school applicant will be (and, incidentally, of how they will do in their first year of law school, according to the ABA). Outstanding performance on college-level debate and mock trial tournaments can also give students a significant boost, although they are generally coupled with very high LSAT scores. VT: What advice do you have regarding LSAT test prep? Jens: As with all parts of the application, start early. Anyone seriously considering law school should take a sample test as soon as possible. Except for the most exceptional applicants, enrolling in an LSAT prep course or working with a tutor is sure to pay off. An improvement of a few points on the LSAT can be what it takes to get into a higher ranked school or to secure a scholarship. VT: What do law school admissions officers look for in recommendation letters? Jens: Recommendation letters are important in supporting and corroborating various other parts of the application--in particular, the personal statement. It is far better to select someone that knows the applicant well and provide a strong recommendation than one with an impressive title who will do a perfunctory job. The recommender should know the applicant's story and should ideally echo its key themes in the recommendation. To help ensure that this happens, we advise our clients to actually include a paragraph summarizing the important aspects of the application in an email to the recommender. Visit Advantas Application Consulting for more information.The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Tips For Maintaining Your First Impression - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Tips For Maintaining Your First Impression - Introvert Whisperer Tips For Maintaining Your First Impression When it comes to beginning a new career, we all know the importance of making a first impression. From navigating the interview process to the often overwhelming first day, it can be difficult to find a balance between what society generally expects a professional image to be and something that shows off your own unique personality. Both are qualities viewed as important in the workplace, but as time goes on and you get more comfortable at your job, the level of care you put into your everyday look can start to dip. Here are some tips to keep in mind when you’re looking to both establish but also maintain a strong professional image. Be Better Than The Dress Code In 2019, it is not uncommon to find a place of employment with a “relaxed” dress code. The days of mandatory 3-piece suits and long dresses are fading fast. Younger companies or startups, may be perfectly ok with their employees showing up to work in jeans, t-shirts, leggings, or tank-tops. As beneficial as this can be for creating a casual and comfortable work environment, it can also cause the employees to feel more casual about the work they’re doing, sparking a lack of reverence for their job and quality of work. It also makes it easier for you to stand out. No matter what your company’s dress code, it’s always a good idea to go above and beyond. Consider the clothes you wore to your interview as a basis for what your work wardrobe should be. The interview is most likely where you’ll attempt to look the most professional, so it’s a good starting point for crafting the image you’ll want to be projecting in your day-to-day. Maybe you do prefer a more casual look or something in between. As long as you stay a cut above of the standard, you are sure to make the impression you’re shooting for. Embrace Your Halo The “halo effect” is a cognitive bias in the human brain which lets our overall impression of a person dictate how we feel about their character. Basically saying that if a person looks nice, we are likely to assume that they are, in fact, nice. While this may not always be true, it can surely be utilized as a tool to gain a positive reputation in the workplace. To take advantage of the automatic goodwill generated by the halo effect, you must focus on your appearance beyond clothing. Clear skin, trimmed nails, full and clean hair, are all qualities that your co-workers can, and will notice. Enhancing these grooming details will go a long way to boost your overall image, so it’s worth it to go the extra mile. Whether you’re trying out a new facial cleanser, or investing in hair loss treatments, developing a self-care routine will not only help you stand out at work but is also good for your overall levels of confidence and personal wellness. Professionalism A professional image is more than your appearance. All too often, the demeanor that one is taught to project during the interview process is thrown away after a few weeks on the job. Once comfort sets in, it can be easy to slip into your everyday mannerisms, which may or may not be suitable for your chosen profession. Manners, punctuality, a professional attitude these things matter. Especially when you consider that 85% of people believe a co-workers ability to be courteous has an effect on their career prospects. Believe it or not, there are still people out there who don’t see how their unprofessional behavior can negatively affect their co-workers. It should always be your goal to ensure you are not seen or thought of in this way. And you don’t have to be an extrovert in order to project a positive attitude in your work environment. Something as simple as a nod and smile from one employee to another can be enough to show that you’re a courteous, positive, person, deserving of recognition. Author Bio: Capri Fiello is a strong advocate for professional health and wellness. She believes that positivity and proactive self-care are the keys to success in career, relationships, and life. Go to top Bottom-line â€" I want to help you accelerate your career â€" to achieve what you want by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my 4 Building Blocks to Relationships eBookâ€" the backbone to your Networking success and fantastic work relationships.  Grab yours by visiting here right now! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

Tips and Tricks to Make Your Final Year of College Less Stressful

Tips and Tricks to Make Your Final Year of College Less Stressful For many students, the final year of college marks a period of great transition. As such, it can also be a highly stressful timeclasses must be passed, employment applications must be submitted, and student loan paperwork must be completed. While it may feel like an enormous burden at times, a bit of planning can help to ensure that your senior year is rich with enjoyment, personal development, and reflectionas well as far less stressful! Plan your year Yes, your college or university career may have been easier had you planned your years from the beginning, but it is especially important that you do so now. If you begin to struggle, seek help, whether in the form of a professors office hours, a study group, or a tutor. Your selected graduation date likely depends upon successfully completing your final year of classes, and remaining organized is key. Here are 6 habits to help you become a more organized student. Create a calendar (electronic or physical) with your deadlines clearly noted. This is especially useful for tracking activities specific to senior yearordering your cap and gown, mailing graduation invitations, and turning in final paperwork. You will also wish to ensure that you meet with your academic advisor to review your course history and transcripts early in the year. Realizing in February that you have neglected to fulfill a requirement will not make your final year of college less stressful. Remain diligent You may remember that disinterested, restless feeling from your senior year of high schoolyour final year of college is similar, but worse. While you will want to expend the least amount of effort, resist that urge. Your senior year grades will affect your final GPA, andperhaps more importantthey may represent subject matter that is central to your career. If possible, complete more difficult work in the fall semester so that the end of your college experience is less stressful. The same is true of your extracurricular activities. It is simple to forget about them as college or university concludes, but the connections you form as part of these activities may be instrumental in securing a position in your field. By maintaining your membership responsibilities, you open yourself up to new opportunities that may benefit you professionally. Remember extracurricular activities can boost college success! Your continued focus will aid in your transition from college to professional life. Create a to-do list A significant source of stress for many seniors is the overwhelming feeling that they have not accomplished everything they believed they would. Writing these items down can be a helpful way to move past or even complete several of them. While it may be too late to study abroad, you may be able to experience international travel with a student clubor arrange a celebratory vacation after graduation. Ensure that your list includes activities that are entertaining and relaxing, qualities that are easy to forget during your final year of college. But they are so crucial to your mental well-being! There are numerous unique opportunities available to students, so take advantage of them while you can! Perhaps your goals are academic, or perhaps they are community-driven or socialeither way, crossing several off your bucket list will relieve stress and provide much-needed balance. Visualize your future By setting aside the time to ask yourself what it is that you desire, you narrow your options and reduce your stress. You will also be able to formulate steps to plan for the future you want. This might mean graduate school, an internship, or relocationchoosing a possible path (or even two) will give you peace of mind as you begin the next phase of your life. Here are some great tips on how to prepare for your first internshipwhich you may find helpful! Be flexible Finally, embrace the chance to be flexible. All the planning in the world may not be sufficient to arrange every facet of your final year of college, and you are likely to experience some stress. Remain open to new opportunities and practice saying yeslife has a great deal in store for you.

How To Learn Italian Online

How To Learn Italian Online Massive Open Online Course To Learn Italian ChaptersLearn Italian: What is MOOC?Why Learn Italian?What Should An Italian Teacher Do?What Do To Do After Taking Italian MOOC?Learning a foreign language is always a good idea, especially when it comes to dealing with different areas of everyday life. Work, travel, meetings, everything is a pretext for memorization, immersion, or even progress, whatever the language. Italian is an integral part of a language course and learning to speak it is a perfect way to make rapid progress in foreign languages.Progressing slowly is absolutely acceptable, but why not become bilingual quickly, thanks to an Italian teacher, or simply through online Italian courses. MOOCs offer exactly that, for language courses that are as simple as they are effective. Indeed, 82% of British people consider that MOOC has enabled them to develop useful skills in their work.Different uses of this language learning, which make it possible to see Italian as a fertile ground for multilingual people. So, shall we go f or it?Learn Italian while in the Italian peninsula. DanielaItalian Teacher 5.00 (9) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LuciaItalian Teacher 5.00 (4) £17/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarilùItalian Teacher 5.00 (8) £22/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarcoItalian Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AntonellaItalian Teacher 5.00 (2) £14/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GiusyItalian Teacher 5.00 (3) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EnricoItalian Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FedericaItalian Teacher 5.00 (2) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsLearn Italian: What is MOOC?You may have already heard about MOOCs, especially if you have already decided to learn Russian, take English courses online, or take Spanish courses. It is, in fact, the acronym for Massive Open Online Course, which has now completely become part of the language of everyday life in the UK, since th is name is now an integral part of our dictionaries.There are also sometimes other names to describe this way of learning a new language, such as Italian. Indeed, you will most likely encounter names such as Open Online Training for All (FLOT), but also Open and Massive Online Courses (CLOM). In any case, the fact remains that any student, any learner, wishing to become bilingual in the Italian language, will find his happiness with the MOOCs.In a more concrete way, MOOCs are divided into two types of courses: xMOOCs and cMOOCs. The first aims to validate skills through an Italian certificate of success, while the second opens up the field of possibilities more broadly, through freer learning and broader content.CMOOCs base their learning of Italian on the link, but also on an open pedagogy, which will be achieved through networks, connectivity, but also through an exchange. The idea here is to have a kind of collaborative community, via a forum, via social networks, so that learnin g Italian will become a real pleasure.Get started and learn all the Italian phrases, Italian words and Italian verbs you can.Dante is credited with linguistically unifying Italy. Source: Wikimedia Commons)A MOOC is, therefore, a type of online course, limited in time, free of charge, whose training objectives and themes are defined by teachers, but also by participants. This is the fertile ground for this type of course, which will make the educational journey a true path of knowledge.From a practical point of view, there are also videos and online content, for which a quiz will validate the progress every week.Check out how to improve your Italian accent.Why Learn Italian?Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced level, the Italian courses taken online are the guarantee of adopting an open and progressive attitude towards language learning. Indeed, MOOCs offer many advantages when it comes to becoming bilingual in Italian. Some of the benefits of this type of course incl ude:Save time with online courses,An exchange between the different learners,A real progress every week, validated by a quiz,Exclusive content, that we control as we see fit,A schedule that can be adapted according to our desires, our activities, our needs,A certificate issued at the end of the training if necessary,And many more!Among the most important objectives and interests represented by the Italian language learned online is the promotion of work. Yes, MOOCs are often highly appreciated, as they provide a solid linguistic basis, which can also be combined with a job. It should be noted that 28% of learners consider that the certificate is valued by employers, which is a significant basis, we all agree!What could be better than to feel supported and helped by Italian language skills? On the agenda: increased self-confidence, hard work and motivation, and significant efficiency. Being multilingual is always a good idea!Learning a new language, its vocabulary, its grammar,  phra ses, verbs and pronunciation is often easier when you experience a complete immersion through language and culture, conversation and listening so why not go on a trip to Italy.In addition, Italian courses London taught in MOOC, such as those at the University of Siena, are based on the principle that sound and image are the basic tools for effective progress. The interest will consequently be to feel supported in the most beautiful way imaginable when learning the language of love!What Should An Italian Teacher Do?Your Italian teacher is, at the beginning, a figure of support, a guide, who will project us upwards, make us progress in a significant way, thanks to his help and his listening. You should be able to rely on them when it comes to mastering the grammatical basis in Italian, for example.But when you take Italian courses thanks to MOOC, it turns out to be a little more vague, less palpable, for the simple reason that these are online courses. And online  courses mean differe nt support, which does not necessarily replace the basics of an Italian course in person. Yes, here, the courses are given in a freer, more autonomous way, and the teacher rather acts as an adviser.A counsellor who, although doesn't seem to be present, is there when you need him, and perhaps even more so than in private lessons. This is the advantage of an online course: more freedom, but also availability, whether it is the Italian language learner or the Italian teacher. What could be more satisfying than to progress without feeling oppressed?Even beginners can make great progress and learn to speak Italian quickly with language lessons. Everyone can study Italian and learn some conversational basic Italian words and phrases.It is important not to neglect the role of the student who, if he/she shows open behaviour, eager to discover a thousand and one facets of Italian, and ready to be corrected regularly (especially during the weekly quiz), will be able to establish a healthy and effective relationship with his/her teacher. This relationship will then allow him to progress simply, in full confidence and in full possession of his faculties! So it's not that complicated, Italian!Even modern Italian is home to many different dialects. Source: Wikimedia Commons)What Do To Do After Taking Italian MOOC?Let us face it, after a MOOC in Italian, the main idea is, as stated previously, to be bilingual. So yes, it would be a dream to be fluent in Italian, to be able to converse naturally with locals, to take a one-way ticket to Rome and watch series in the original language, but that's not the only advantage of MOOCs, and many positive points will come out of these courses.Learning Italian at a MOOC also means having the confidence to stand out from the crowd during a job interview. Because certainly, Italian is a language that we all know, since it is a European country, not too far from the UK, but few are those in the UK capable to speak it, and even less are those who are completely fluent! In this way, the MOOCs could guarantee you to add a string to our bow, at least to your professional profile!To prepare for the entrance exam to a major school, what could be better than to have an additional linguistic knowledge, which you would have learned in parallel. This is the advantage of online courses: being able to have a normal life while learning a foreign language. Mother at home, manager, civil servant, student, anyone can learn Italian with MOOC!Enjoy Italian culture by speaking Italian.Learn it, but use it too! Indeed, after the MOOC courses in Italian, it may also be a radical change of life, which would then be possible. Yes, as more and more British people decide to move abroad, all this would then be possible in Bologna, Palermo or Venice. These cases are obviously rarer, but let us also think of travel, which will then be considerably simplified.As you will have understood, MOOC courses in Italian are this type of course that allows you to benefit from a rich, varied and free teaching environment while making significant progress. Nothing and no one prevents you from enrolling in this type of course, and it gives you an open, accessible and resolutely modern image of foreign languages! Come on, let's have the Milanese cutlets and lasagna! Ciao!